Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Main Post

This page is a gateway into all of Dr. Anderson's courses. It will have links to some very basic webpages for courses, but more importantly this page will be somewhat interactive. It will be linked up with student blogs and I will even listen and take suggestions for class links. The Blog will change from time to time depending on what I am teaching, but the basic information and purpose will remain the same.

I will also use this blog to send messages to all of my students. You must get a blogline's account and subscribe to this page. A bloglines account is free at This, as Martha Stewart would say, is a good thing. Once you get an account you will never read the news in the same way again. You can subscribe to any number of papers and blogs and the like. While I am not a techno guru, I do intend on helping use blogs as one of many research tools. If you have questions about this, ask in comments where I or other students may be able to help you.

Again, this is your gateway. Use it and the better it becomes. Don't use it and it will be no benefit at all to you or your peers.

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